Wednesday 27 November 2013

6 Reasons Science Says You Should Go Ahead and Have Some Coffee

  • It might help cut your risk of Type 2 diabetes. Researchers from Qingdao University in China explored 26 different studies (involving more than 1 million participants) and discovered that those who drank the most coffee were up to 30 percent less likely to develop diabetes than those who drank the least amount of coffee—so long as the java isn't overloaded in sugar. The researchers think that coffee may help because caffeine has been linked to lower weight and faster metabolism—two factors in diabetes risk.
  •  There are nutritional benefits to coffee. Not only are there antioxidants in coffee—and was even named the No. 1 source of antioxidants by a study from the University of Scranton—it also contains vitamins B2 and B5, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and niacin, all of which are essential nutrients.
  •  It may help ward off liver disease. Several studies have shown that people who drink four or more cups of coffee a day can help reduce their risk of cirrhosis (where parts of the liver are replaced by scar tissue)—by as much as 80 percent!
  •  Drinking coffee may help reduce your risk of some kinds of cancer. Rutgers University researchers found that caffeine may play a role in protecting you against skin cancer by blocking a protein enzyme in the skin. It may also provide protection against endometrial and colorectal cancers, and, in more good news for your liver, coffee consumption could cut liver risk by about 40 percent.
  • It may help your blood vessels work better. Some research has shown that coffee could have cardiovascular benefits, and a new study presented at the American Association meeting revealed that people who drank a cup of caffeinated coffee had a 30 percent increase in vascular function (compared with those who drank decaf) over a 75-minute period.
  • Coffee might make you happier. A study by Harvard School of Public Health found that the risk of developing depression was decreased with the more coffee consumed. Women who drank four or more cups a day had a 20 percent lower risk than those who drank little to none.

All of which reminds me...I skipped my morning cup this morning! Do you drink coffee regularly?

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